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Equestrian bows -- leadline bows, short stirrup bows or bows for girls in pony hunter classes at English horse shows.Horse show bows in glittery turquoise blue, silver sparkly glitter, and a sparkle gem. These definitely are bows with bling!


These are the smaller Shorty bows - Shorty 4x4 Approximate width 4", tails approximately 4" long.They can be made the larger standard size if you wish.


There are two bows in a set. You will need 1 set of bows for 2 braids.  Your choice, elastic loops or French barrettes.  I can also sew in the Mother's Prayer Charm, if you wish, "
Bless this horse and rider and keep them safe." 


These are authentic Bowdangles Horse Show Bows designed and created by Elaine Moore. Name of bow: Shorty 4x4 - Michaela with possible charm

Shorty horse show bows - Shorty 4x4 Michaela, possible charm

PriceFrom $41.00
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